Pills, or Notifications, help keep a user informed of something that has occured. By design, these pills are only static elements that would require a logic or scripting language to hook them up on another element.
- 5
- 17
- 23
- 7
- 5
- 17
- 23
- 7
<label for="">Number of members</label>
<span class="pill">5</span>
<label for="">Fave Drake songs</label>
<span class="pill-white">17</span>
<label for="">Number of times my daughter has watched Frozen</label>
<span class="pill-error">23</span>
<label for="">Number of times I have watched Frozen</label>
<span class="pill-success">7</span>
<span class="pill">5</span>
<label for="">Number of members</label>
<span class="pill-white">17</span>
<label for="">Fave Drake songs</label>
<span class="pill-error">23</span>
<label for="">Number of times my daughter has watched Frozen</label>
<label for="">Number of times I have watched Frozen</label>
<span class="pill-success">7</span>
<label for="">You purchased this item <span class="pill-success">23</span> times</label>